Tuesday, May 10, 2011

"Is It A Crime?"

A song from the late 1950's musical "Bells Are Ringing" asks, "Is it a crime to start each day with a laugh and a smile and a song? And is it a crime to end each day with a laugh and a smile and a song?...If I know something and by telling it to someone in distress, I could change that person's life and bring them the bluebell of happiness, Is it a crime to tell them or not to? Is it that you mustn't or you've got to?"

For me, I've got to. What about you?
Remember the musical "Stop the World I Want To Get Off?" Actually the title was better than the production which may be why it's not revived often. Raise your hand if you could be saying that at least once a week!

What can you do now before you quit your job, your lifestyle, your status quo to slow down and be in harmony with your life, not out of sync?

Everything in a 24 hour day is negotiable. Think about it.

When do you wake up? Try earlier or later.

What do you do first: shower, eat, pray, dress, exercise? Mix it up and turn it around.

How much time elapses before you begin your work, commute, daily routine? Lengthen it, shorten it, turn it around.

How do you commute: solo, carpool, hitch hike, public transit, walk, bicycle or other? Make a new choice and try it out.

What's your work schedule? 5 days or worse, Ever try 4 ten hour days or some other arrangement, telework,
flextime, or other? Why not?

What's your MO? When do you return phone calls, emails, texts, etc.? Pick a new time.

How often do you take breaks? Change break times.

What do you do for exercise to stretch and build those muscles, get your heart rate up and get rid of toxins? Change break times.

What's for lunch and snacks? Bring food from home or if you never eat out, do it.

How many days a week do you eat with an old friend or a new friend?

Ever network on a schedule? Do it.

If you are too social at lunch, cut it out and eat alone for change.

What else can you do at lunch? What museums, galleries or historic buildings are nearby? Keep track of your enrichment forays.

What about night times? Are you home 5 out of 7 nights? Mix that up too.

Which has the biggest grip on your time: TV, computer, Iphone, books or bed? Switch it up.

Where is it written that you can't?

Let me know how it's going.